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Unauthorized Solicitation

Please be aware of, and report any fraudulent, unauthorized solicitation to ESTO/U.S. Travel. If you receive a call or email from any company that is not from U.S. Travel or from a email address that is offering to sell you an ESTO Attendee List, please contact us immediately at [email protected].

Don't Fall Prey to Unauthorized Housing Providers

The U.S. Travel Association works diligently with the hotels in each of our host cities to establish room blocks for our attendees. Improper solicitation of hotel reservations from any company or housing provider other is not approved by ESTO/U.S. Travel.

For your own protection, please do not make reservations through any unknown housing or travel company. If you receive a call or email from any company other than the official ESTO hotel block, please contact us immediately at [email protected].

These Companies Do Not Represent ESTO or U.S. Travel

The following individuals/companies have reportedly contacted ESTO attendees to offer services for ESTO or to sell an attendee list. These companies are not authorized to represent ESTO/U.S. Travel, nor do they have access to attendee lists or officially contracted hotel room blocks or rates on behalf of ESTO/U.S. Travel and should be avoided.  (Note: This list is updated as additional companies are reported.)

  • Iris Fox | Attendee List Consultant -


Contact [email protected]